
place Address

Po Box 182
Cammeray, Australia 2062

email Contact

Trevor Wilkin

Created with the sole purpose of disseminating knowledge about polymer bank notes.
Reproduction of selective / limited parts of the content of this web site is authorised provided full acknowledgement and contact details are given for Trevor Wilkin, polymernotes.com and trevorsnotes@bigpond.com. This authorisation does not extend to the List portion of the site. which may not be reproduced under any circumstances for any commercial purpose other than ordering off this site

Trevor Wilkin attends major banknote shows throughout the world, buying and selling banknotes, paper and plastic. Visit him at a show near you or peruse his paper and polymer Sales List on this site.. He also conducts extensive research into polymer and other plastic notes encompassing designs, proposed printings and actual issues. Further research details.

He has a comprehensive listing of polymer and other plastic note issues plus an extensive range of world paper notes. This site covers both these areas commencing with the more specialist polymer (and other plastic issues) and then general world.

His General List covers a broad cross section. The Polymer section is extensive covering all issues arising from NPA polymer technology (but not including all Australian date varieties).There are now 21 countries issuing polymer notes with over 50 distinct issues and well over 100 with all Australian varieties. Other plastic such as the ABNC tyvek issues of the early 1980's sell very quickly and are always wanted.

If there is nothing on this List which suits, Please feel free to contact me indicating your areas of interest or "Wants". Want Lists and standing orders are actively serviced for both paper and polymer issues.