CDN has completed the pricing of Confederate Notes
CDN Publishing, home of the industry-standard Greensheet newsletter, now offers the complete pricing of Confederate States of America (CSA) currency type set, which consists of 72 individual notes. This information is unprecedented and important for dealers and collectors of this historic, yet controversial, material.
We are happy to announce we have completed pricing the entire Confederate States of America (CSA) currency type set, which consists of 72 individual notes. The notes are priced in the same standard grades we have in the Greensheet: VG8, F12, VF20, VF35, XF40, AU50, AU58, CU60, CU63, CU64, CU65, CU66, and CU67. Of course, not all types exist in all grades, and our pricing reflects that. High grade and finest-known Confederate notes have seen a significant increase in price recently. All pricing can also be found online at
A few important notes to keep in mind when consulting these prices: the price listed for each type is for the most common variety; many CSA types are found with multiple varieties, some much scarcer than others. Also, prices are for uncancelled notes; cut-cancelled notes will trade at lower levels, sometimes significantly so. As always, notes with problems – tears, pinholes, repairs, etc. – will trade at a discount. Specialized reference books should be consulted to determine the variety of your notes. We welcome any feedback on this series, please send to

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Author: Patrick Ian Perez

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