CoinTelevision Video of the Week: Amazing Numismatic Walkabout at FUN Summer 2022 with David Lisot
David Lisot, Host, with Mike Bean, Bob Hurst, Lisa Venas, Dylan & Madison Wexler, Katie Williams, & Abigail Zechman. July 9, 2022.
The Florida United Numismatists Summer Convention is not as large at the January convention, but it still has a lot to offer. David Lisot takes you on another Numismatic. Walkabout showing some of what Summer FUN 2022 has to offer. The video begins with the FUN Opening Ceremony with President Bob Hurst. The David speaks with Abigail Zechman and Katie Williams, two new personalities with the FUN organization. The walkabout includes the Spider Press, young numismatists and pages, a new Spanish language YouTube channel, and more!
David Lisot, Executive Producer

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Source: Coin Television/deceasaed

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