Dr. Ralph W. Ross to Become ANA's 62nd President at Chicago World's Fair of Money®
The new president was voted in my a slim margin of just 17 votes!
Voting members of the American Numismatic Association (ANA) have chosen a new president and vice president, and soon will be welcoming three new individuals and six incumbents to its Board of Governors for the 2021-23 election term.
Incoming President Dr. Ralph W. Ross and Vice President-elect Joseph E. Boling will be joined by new board members Charles Morgan and Mark Lighterman, along with returning members Mary Lynn Garrett, Clifford Mishler, Shanna Schmidt, Michael Ellis and Rob Oberth.
Mary Lynn Garrett was the top vote receiver. Vice President-elect Joseph E. Boling ran unopposed. In accordance with ANA bylaws, ballots for uncontested offices are not tabulated. Only the first vote is counted.*
For President: Votes
Ralph W. Ross, Ph. D: 2,749
Donald H. Kagin, Ph. D: 2,732
For Vice President: Votes
Joseph E. Boling: 1*
Candidates for Governor: Votes
Mary Lynn Garrett: 4,165
Clifford Mishler: 4,111
Shanna Schmidt: 3,991
Michael Ellis: 3,989
Rob Oberth: 3,985
Charles Morgan: 3,911
Mark Lighterman: 3,910
Unelected Candidates for Governor: Votes
Muriel Eymery: 3,823
In the event that a board member cannot fulfill their term, the runner-up will fill the vacant seat for the remainder of the two-year term.
The new board will be sworn-in at the annual ANA Banquet on August 13, at the World's Fair of Money® in Rosemont, Ill. Ross will become the Association's 62nd president, succeeding current President Col. Steven Ellsworth, who will serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the board.
Donald H. Kagin lost his bid for President by a narrow margin; Muriel Eymery will be leaving the Board. After 10 years of service, Greg Lyon will be leaving the Board due to term limits.
ANA members had the option to vote by either electronic or paper ballot. Out of 5,560 total votes, 3,720 were cast by paper ballot while another 1,840 members voted electronically, representing 33.09 percent of votes cast.
The election was conducted and tabulated by Election Services Corporation of Hauppauge, New York. Overall, 19,027 ANA members were eligible to vote in this election; 29.22 percent of eligible voters participated. To be eligible to vote, members have to be at least 13 years old and a member of the Association for at least one year as of March 31 of the election year. In 2019, 19,737 members were eligible to vote; a total of 6,131 votes were cast, representing 31.06 percent of eligible members.
The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered, nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging the study and collection of coins and related items. The ANA helps its nearly 28,000 members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of educational and outreach programs, as well as its museum, library, publications and conventions. For more information, call (719) 632-2646 or visit money.org .

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Source: American Numismatic Association
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