This issue of Quarterly II sets a major milestone for us here at CDN Publishing. In the February issue we completely reviewed the three $1 gold types and $3 gold piece series. In this issue, we finished the task by reviewing all the series from half dollars through quarter eagles – 2,067 price changes in all. In addition to examing every number on this sheet, we added over 40 important varietes that have long been missing from all of the series listed here (see Table 1). While we still cannot see straight from all of the analysis we’ve done over the past few weeks, we are truly excited about what this unprecedented, accurate pricing information means to dealers and serious collectors of the series represented here. For the first time in decades, half dollar collectors can enjoy a new measure of confidence that the Greysheet values are accurate with the market. We fully believe that the market has needed this pricing information and will benefit tremendously. We have been hearing from many of our readers that the new attention to pricing accuracy across all of the CDN publications has improved business and profitibility for our readers. Nothing makes us happier to hear. We’ve been aggressive in our stance that – up or down – the price indications on these pages MUST be accurate. This is not always easy, especially in challenging market conditions, but nobody wins when the pricing levels aren’t accurate. With as many changes as we’ve made this issue, we expect readers to give us feedback. We are always happy to hear your thoughts, and make corrections where needed. If you feel, however, that prices should go up “because you would pay more” for a given item, we have a simple solution. Join CoinPlex (soon to be re-named CDN Exchange), and place your bids. We will reflect your market bids in our next sheet.
Both gold and silver have posted significant gains since our last edition. Silver is up over 13% and gold is up 9.8% since our February newsletter.

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Source: CDN Publishing

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